The Story

We are All Antarctica is a story about my father George W. Gibbs, Jr’s adventures as the first person of African descent to set foot on the continent of Antarctica. He sailed on the famous ship the USS Bear in 1939 to 1941 on Admiral Byrd’s III expedition to the South Pole. It was the first joint venture with the US military and private exploration. Gibbs went on to serve humanity in countless ways, paving the way for not only people of color in the community of Rochester, MN but for all people to become more human, serve their community and appreciate differences.

Through compassion, tenacity, faith and countless hours in the trenches, Gibbs’ life is a model for community service, equality and fun. As the lowest rank on the ship, he was honored for his contribution at a time when people with dark skin were considered less than human.

This story integrates my experiences with natural healing, the arts, the science of the ice, the metaphysics of the South Pole and the history of the expedition and its mystery.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Learning vs Education

I'm preparing my proposal for a new organization called Start Some Good. After my travel to Antarctica, I plan to pilot curricular materials for Gibbs Elementary. The purpose is to connect the concepts of 'we are all in the same boat' and t "other" is also "me". How does our inner climate of thoughts and feelings impact our actions in the outer climate of our family, our school, our neighborhood and ultimately the planet? What steps can we take to make the climate of our minds and hearts match with what we want the climate of our world to be?

Jerry Michalski of REXpedition:navigating massive change together says it nicely in Seeing Abundantly-our schools.

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